Friday, April 15, 2011

The Message

Don't dismiss this outright as the work of some raving lunatic. There's some sense to this story, if you'll just hear me out...

Look, we all wonder if time travel is possible, right? Well, let me tell you something... it is. I'm from the future, actually. It's a really great thing; getting to see the past, watching events unfold... stuff like that. We know more now than we ever would.

Behind all the fun, though,  there's a more serious aspect. We aren't supposed to go in our own lifetime, and we are NEVER allowed to contact our past selves. Let me tell you, I'm breaking that rule right now. Yes, kid, you're talking to yourself. Your future self. I'm going to be executed for this, but you know what? I accept that. I'm preventing something by talking to you that's worse than death. I can't tell you outright what to do, because filters would catch it. This is the closes I can get, trust me. I can however send a little message.

You should probably read the first word of every paragraph, now.


  1. Good work, sent chills down my spine!

  2. Don't look behind you?
    Wait what th---...

  3. I've never been more scared in my entire life! Well played, sir.

  4. why not? is my cat going to pounce?
    (okay i'm not going to lie, my window was wide open, it's 3 in the morning and i kinda got chills.) following for your troll/creepy antics.
    oh god i hear noises outside..

  5. That last sentence a little bit creepy lol.

  6. last sentence made the entire thing alot creepier than i originally though...

  7. fuck fuck fuck

    i was reading this in the middle of the night!!!

    nice one bro..

  8. Im right into all that stuff. Thanks for the post.

  9. This is very interesting stuff. Thanks.

  10. lul'd.. you devil.
    as for time travel.. i think it's a waste of aspirations.. they still can't transport matter across a room let alone forward or back in time.. and the whole universe shares the same aspect of time as we do. i think time (the concept as known by us) simply expires.
