Friday, August 19, 2011

While you sleep

You know we are always watching, right? You read this, and it seems like words on a webpage, but we just have to let you know we are here. We se where you sit, blinded by the glow of your monitor from the rest of the world around you... that's what we want. We were that creak in the floor, as if someone was tip-toeing trough the hall. The house settling. Happens all the time. We were that quiet knock at your window. Just the wind, just the wind. It's okay, we don't want you while you're awake. We wait until you're asleep and we mock you with our slack jaws, laugh at you trough vocal chords dried with the blood of throats slit years ago. We kiss you with our decaying mouths and hope you don't wake up to see us there...

There have been times we have woken you, and we dash with our creaky tendons across the room. There we hide in shadows, until you convince yourself it was just a dream. We wait for the night that your lifeless body will dance with us, ripping yourself to fight rigor. Until then, we will make love to your sleep and impregnate you with nightmares. Sleep well, our love.


  1. I know your there, I wait for you every night...

  2. well hai there, come at me at night ill have cookies

  3. Feet hanging off the bed? Their mine now.

  4. hah, I like those creepypasta, keep it up!

  5. WORST IS when your sleeping and you wake up and you say WHERE THE HELL AM I and you DO NOT reconize the room around you, NOW THATS CREEPY

  6. Must admit i'll be watching my back from now on

  7. Its not like I wanted to sleep tonight or anything.

  8. The picture really carried this one.

  9. That is so scary. :( I'm not going to sleep tonight!

  10. Urgh that thing looks really creepy, I don't know who the hell would create something like this.

  11. Crap, Not gonna be able to sleep tonight now.

  12. Ok sufficiently creeped out now.

  13. I wasn't sleeping tonight anyways lol

  14. LOOL thankfully i dont sleep tht much xD hopefully this wont influence my dreams though :s

  15. ;D I'm not scared that easily. Though I had recurring nightmares when I was a kid.

  16. Legs hanging off the bed?


    Always fun watching/reading some creepy stuff before bed.

  17. Great now I'm going to have to roll myself up like a burrito in my blanket when I sleep.
